Ep. 124 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 8 – Competitive Strategy

SIBP-Blog-NEW-5Building a strong competitive strategy isn’t just a matter identifying the other companies in your market. To answer those hard questions that will inevitably come from potential investors, you need to have a clear picture of how your business stacks up against not only your rivals, but also “dark horse” companies and even your “frenemy” partners. That means putting in some time doing the less-than-glamorous stuff of SWOT research.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan takes a tactical look at creating a winning competitive strategy for your startup pitch. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 123 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 7 – Go to Market

SIBP-Blog-NEW-4One of the biggest places founders stumble during the pitch is in establishing the size and scope of their market. They either think too big, or they don’t think big enough. Nailing down the best estimate for the size of an opportunity, and demonstrating that you have what it takes to capture that opportunity, is the cornerstone to building a convincing “go to market” strategy.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about the common mistakes entrepreneurs make as they determine their potential market size, and their misconceptions about their ability to reach that market. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 122 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 6 – The Business Model

SIBP-Blog-NEW-3“How will I get my customers to give me their money?” While there are more eloquent ways of describing the function of a business model, that’s it in a nutshell. Having a clearly stated, easily understood business model is a key part of creating a power pitch for your company. This isn’t the time to be highly specific or granular about your company’s methods or organization. You just want to quickly explain how the business will make money.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains the basic structure of a business model, and what their function is during the pitch itself. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 121 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 5 – Traction

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Serious investors all want to see the same thing when they look at your business. It isn’t a great idea, although can certainly help capture their attention. It isn’t a great business plan, or a brilliant marketing campaign. What investors want to see is traction.

What is traction, and why does it matter so much. In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains the basic forms of traction — from sales to user adoption — and why they matter when it comes to creating a killer pitch. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 120 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 4 – The Unfair Advantage

SIB-Blog-5How is your product or service better than the competition? What is it about your business model, product or service that gives you an edge no one else in the market has? From exclusive contracts and patents to great user experiences and special sauce, your company has something that gives it an unfair advantage over the competition. That special something needs to be a big part of your business pitch.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about the many forms an unfair advantage can take, and how it can make all the difference as you pitch your company to investors and customers. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 119 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 3 – Value

SIB-Blog-2How does your product or service make your customers’ lives better? Now that you’ve established the “problem” and the “solution” your business provides, it’s time to talk about the value your company will provide for those people who do business with you. The more succinct your answer, the more compelling your pitch will be.

In this Thanksgiving episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan takes a look at why value statements work, and how they can function as a simple cost/benefit analysis for potential investors. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 118 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 2 – The Solution

IMG_2329To be successful, your business needs to solve a problem. That problem might be something specific and logistical within a given industry, or it might be something more along the lines of addressing an anxiety in the marketplace. A great pitch is all about delivering that perfect one-two punch of a succinctly stated “problem” and “solution.”

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about the ingredients common to great business solution pitches. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 117 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 1 – The Problem

SIB-Blog-1Great business pitches don’t happen by accident. They are the result of an intentional process combining an awareness of the market with the audience-captivating insights of a true storyteller. The best foundation for a powerful pitch is to start by establishing “the problem.” It’s that un-met need, nagging anxiety or obvious gap in the market that your business will solve.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains what “the problem” is, how it works, and why it’s so important to creating a strong pitch. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 116 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 0 – The Big Picture

SIB-Blog-1Almost all early stage companies share a common struggle: Telling their story. It’s easier to talk about a product concept or a service idea than it is to create a compelling story about why the company’s efforts matter. Products and services may be at the core of the business, but it’s the company story — the pitch — that opens doors, wins customers and gains the attention of investors.

In this multi-part series, host and business coach Tom Ryan breaks down the “power pitch” every business needs into its basic elements. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 115 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed – A 12-Part Series

300x300new_resizedThanks to shows like Shark Tank, the art of pitching a business to investors has never been more popular. While having a strong business pitch is vital for a startup looking for financial capital, that’s barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding the importance of a great pitch. Any business or organization has something to gain from being able to tell their story in a concise, persuasive way.

Over the next few weeks, host and business coach Tom Ryan will be taking a deep dive into this hugely important topic. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading