Ep. 114 – How to Survive a Founders’ Breakup

SIB-Blog-1Breaking up is never easy. When the breakup is between business founders, rather than romantic partners, things can become especially painful. When those founders are friends working on a handshake agreement, the failure can be catastrophic.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan shares the story his very first startup, which he co-founded with a friend. Learn how a few bad calls at the start resulted in a failed business and a friendship that nearly didn’t recover. Continue reading

Ep. 113 – Paul Mazzola from Nivo Outdoor, Part 3

Paul Mazzola

Paul Mazzola

One of the most valuable assets for any startup founder is having access to a diverse network of like-minded entrepreneurs. Nivo Outdoor founder Paul Mazzola knows this first hand, crediting much of his company’s recent success to lessons learned through the Kauffman Entrepreneur-In-Residence Program. After spending years as a glass artist, Paul is the first to admit that has some catching up to do when it comes to mastering the art of running a business.

In the final installment of this interview, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks with Paul about his entrepreneurial stumbling blocks, and what’s next for his company. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 112 – Paul Mazzola from Nivo Outdoor, Part 2

Paul Mazzola

Paul Mazzola

Before he launched a new career as an entrepreneur, Nivo Outdoor founder Paul Mazzola spent the better part of a decade as a glass artist. As it turns out, many of the lessons he learned as a working artist would be surprisingly useful in his new job. From sticking with a core vision to becoming comfortable with sales, there’s a lot of overlap.

In part two of this interview, host and business coach Tom Ryan dives into the transition Paul made from artist to entrepreneur. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 111 – Paul Mazzola from Nivo Outdoor, Part 1

Paul Mazzola

Paul Mazzola

Great businesses are often born out of frustration. While trying to set up a camping chair on the uneven ground at a West Virginia music festival, Paul Mazzola kept sliding down the hill. Looking around, he noticed that he wasn’t alone. The idea of a self-leveling outdoor chair popped into Paul’s mind. Surely, someone had something like that in the works, right?

Today, Paul is the CEO and Founder of Nivo Outdoor, a startup that makes those exact same self-leveling chairs. He’s also a member of the Kauffman Entrepreneur-In-Residence Program. In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks with Paul about how Nivo grew from concept to company, and the lessons learned along the way. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 110 – The Fourth P of Sales: People, Part 2

FourPs-ImageIn this final installment of the “Four Ps of Sales” series, host and business coach Tom Ryan nails down the two remaining concepts in hiring a great sales team: Skill sets and compensation. Learn why hiring the right person with the right skills for the sales system is often the best long-term strategy, and why it makes sense to hire for your level of compensation, rather than adjust compensation to hire a specific person.

To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance”; “Pay” (Part 1 and Part 2); and “People” (Part 1). Continue reading

Ep. 109 – The Fourth P of Sales: People, Part 1

FourPs-ImageSalespeople are a critical resource for almost every business. It’s important to remember, however, that individual salespeople aren’t the solution to creating a professionalized sales process. To do their jobs well, they need to be part of a larger, highly optimized system. Too often, companies assume that they just need to hire someone with sales training. That’s wrong. To see great results in sales, you need to hire the right people.

In this solo podcast, host and business coach Tom Ryan examines the final “P” in the series: People. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance”; “Pay” (Part 1 and Part 2). Continue reading

Ep. 108 – Examples of the Third P of Sales: Pay, Part 2

FourPs-ImageHow do you determine fair compensation for a sales rep? It’s a meaningful question for any company looking to expand their sales, because ultimately those sales reps will determine how much revenue you can generate. Finding that right number is a balancing act of base salary, incentives, the sales cycle and many other factors. It can be tricky to get it right.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan considers one example for creating optimized pay in a sales organization. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance”; and “Pay” (Part 1) Continue reading

Ep. 107 – The Third P of Sales: Pay, Part 1

FourPs-Image“Sales is a secret startup weapon!” exclaims host and business coach Tom Ryan. In today’s episode, Tom explores the third major element of the “Four Ps” of sales: Pay. The first big sales question startups generally ask is: “How much should we pay for sales?” It’s a big decision, and one that deserves some careful thought, even for established companies.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan guides listeners through the fundamental concepts behind establishing the right compensation for their sales teams. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance.” Continue reading

Ep. 106 – The Second P of Sales: Performance

FourPs-ImageNow that we’re laid the groundwork for the “Four Ps of Sales” by thoroughly examining “Process,” it’s time to dive into the second P: “Performance.” Understanding the optimization of performance means having a firm grasp on your expenses, your gross revenues, and your overall revenue goals.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan guides listeners through the fundamentals of sales performance. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). Continue reading

Ep. 105 – Process: The First P of Sales, Part 3

SIB-Blog-1In today’s episode, Tom wraps up the to simple questions that define the “Process” step of the “Four Ps of Sales.” Learn how sticky notes can help you determine the critical path for your sales sequence, and how to distinguish between a theoretical and realistic sales capacity.

As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. Click here to listen to part one, and here to listen to part two. Continue reading