Ep. 109 – The Fourth P of Sales: People, Part 1

FourPs-ImageSalespeople are a critical resource for almost every business. It’s important to remember, however, that individual salespeople aren’t the solution to creating a professionalized sales process. To do their jobs well, they need to be part of a larger, highly optimized system. Too often, companies assume that they just need to hire someone with sales training. That’s wrong. To see great results in sales, you need to hire the right people.

In this solo podcast, host and business coach Tom Ryan examines the final “P” in the series: People. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance”; “Pay” (Part 1 and Part 2). Continue reading

Ep. 108 – Examples of the Third P of Sales: Pay, Part 2

FourPs-ImageHow do you determine fair compensation for a sales rep? It’s a meaningful question for any company looking to expand their sales, because ultimately those sales reps will determine how much revenue you can generate. Finding that right number is a balancing act of base salary, incentives, the sales cycle and many other factors. It can be tricky to get it right.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan considers one example for creating optimized pay in a sales organization. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance”; and “Pay” (Part 1) Continue reading

Ep. 107 – The Third P of Sales: Pay, Part 1

FourPs-Image“Sales is a secret startup weapon!” exclaims host and business coach Tom Ryan. In today’s episode, Tom explores the third major element of the “Four Ps” of sales: Pay. The first big sales question startups generally ask is: “How much should we pay for sales?” It’s a big decision, and one that deserves some careful thought, even for established companies.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan guides listeners through the fundamental concepts behind establishing the right compensation for their sales teams. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); and “Performance.” Continue reading

Ep. 106 – The Second P of Sales: Performance

FourPs-ImageNow that we’re laid the groundwork for the “Four Ps of Sales” by thoroughly examining “Process,” it’s time to dive into the second P: “Performance.” Understanding the optimization of performance means having a firm grasp on your expenses, your gross revenues, and your overall revenue goals.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan guides listeners through the fundamentals of sales performance. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. To catch up on the “Four Ps of Sales,” check out: Overview; “Process” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). Continue reading

Ep. 105 – Process: The First P of Sales, Part 3

SIB-Blog-1In today’s episode, Tom wraps up the to simple questions that define the “Process” step of the “Four Ps of Sales.” Learn how sticky notes can help you determine the critical path for your sales sequence, and how to distinguish between a theoretical and realistic sales capacity.

As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. Click here to listen to part one, and here to listen to part two. Continue reading

Ep. 104 – Process: The First P of Sales, Part 2

FourPs-ImageIn part one of this multi-episode series about the Four Ps of Sales, host Tom Ryan gave us an overview of the first few elements of step one, the “Process.” In this episode, we pick up right where we left off, exploring the 10 easy questions that will help you optimize your sales process.

Learn about the importance of connecting with the buyer’s advisors, why your sales channel matters, and the fundamental requirements of making any sale. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. Click here to listen to part one. Continue reading

Ep. 081 – Process: The First P of Sales, Part 1

SIB-Blog-1When it comes to professionalizing the sales side of your business, it helps to have a firm grasp on the underlying principles. Taking a cue from the well-known “Four Ps of Marketing,” business coach and podcast host Tom Ryan has decided to break down the core concepts of sales into his own “Four Ps.”

Tom explores the First P of Sales, which is Process. In order to help you think about your process, Tom provides 10 easy questions that will help you optimize your sales process. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 070 – The Four Ps of Sales

FourPs-ImageFollowing on the heels of the earlier “4 Ps of Marketing” episode, this week host Tom Ryan explores his newly minted “4 Ps of Sales” concept. Unfortunately, he’s not entirely sure that this content is the most engaging, particularly for a Friday.

Thankfully, he’s joined by co-host Jason Pyles, who is always ready to bewilder Tom with an off-handed reference to a semi-obscure ’70s sci-fi cult film. Continue reading