Ep. 134 – Alan and Mark Baumgarten of PRO-Hydro Beverages, Part 3

h2pro-box-paired-smWith established players already staking out their turf in the probiotics market, a small startup like PRO-Hydro Beverages needs an edge to establish their niche. What’s their unfair advantage over the mainstream pill-makers and national brand yogurt peddlers? Expertise and reputation. Not only is company founder Dr. Alan Baumgarten an established family doctor, he also began his career as a public health nutritionist and registered dietitian.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks to the Baumgarten brothers about the ways consumers will use their products, as well as competitive landscape H2Pro has become a part of. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 133 – Alan and Mark Baumgarten of PRO-Hydro Beverages, Part 2

SIBP-Blog-NEW-4Running as business wasn’t an entirely foreign experience for Dr. Alan Baumgarten. As a managing partner at a family medical practice, he had a solid grasp on the basics of running a successful company. Or at least he thought he did. As it turns out, building a new, consumer-product focused involves plenty of unexpected roadblocks and challenges.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks to the Baumgarten brothers about the challenges of building a health-focused startup from the ground up. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 132 – Alan and Mark Baumgarten of PRO-Hydro Beverages, Part 1

Dr. Alan Baumgarten

Dr. Alan Baumgarten

As a managing partner at his family medicine practice, Dr. Alan Baumgarten didn’t exactly need a second job. As a strong advocate for probiotics, however, he found the lack of quality products on the market frustrating. Not only was there an opportunity to help people become healthier, there was also a great niche for a new business. Together with his brother Mark, Dr. Baumgarten founded PRO-Hydro Beverages, makers of the H2Pro line of probiotics and vitamin supplements. They’re also members of the Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneur In Residence program.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks to the Baumgarten brothers about their backgrounds and the origin of the PRO-Hydro concept. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 131 – Frequently Asked Questions From Investors (and What They Mean) Part 1

SIBP-Blog-NEW-1Now that you’ve delivered a knock-out power pitch to investors, you might think that the hard part of the job is done. Not quite. Now it’s time for your would-be investors to put your business plans to the test. Are you ready for the Q&A section of the presentation?

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about the most common questions potential investors will ask following your pitch. He’s joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles, and special guest (and podcast editor) Natalie Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 130 – Presentation Do’s and Don’ts With Special Guest Natalie Pyles

SIB-Blog-1It’s Friday, and that means it’s time to have a little fun. On the heels of the last episode about rocking the pitch presentation, host Tom Ryan presents his list of presentation “Do’s and Don’ts.” Expect some handy tips, and some entertaining stories, in this freewheeling episode.

Listeners are also in for a special treat, as guest Natalie Pyles also joins in on the conversation. In addition to being producer Jason Pyles’s wife, Natalie works behind the scenes as the show’s audio editor. Continue reading

Ep. 129 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 12 – Rocking Your Business Power Pitch

SIBP-Blog-NEW-5Now that you’ve created a rock-solid power pitch for your business, there’s only one question left to answer: How do you rock this thing? As well prepared as you are, you still have to stick the landing when it comes to the pitch itself. It’s time for a few pointers on connecting with your audience of potential investors.

In this final “finish line” episode of the Power Pitch series, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains the rookie mistakes many entrepreneurs make when pitching, and some simple tips to help you avoid them. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 128 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 11 – The Investment and Use of Funding

SIBP-Blog-NEW-4You’ve presented all the key points about your business, you’ve told your story and you’ve shown that you’re ready to take things to the next level. The crescendo of your power pitch is about to happen. All the groundwork has been laid, now it’s time to talk money. It’s time to tell them how much money you need, and what you will do with if they give it to you.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan takes us into the home stretch of delivering a truly masterful business pitch. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 127 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 10 – Financials, Part 2

SIBP-Blog-NEW-3When it comes to your financials, investors want details. A great business idea or innovative strategy can only go so far. If they’re going to buy in, they want to see the sales numbers, the customer data, and every report they can get their hands on.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan continues his exploration of the must-have reports every entrepreneur needs to have handy when pitching their business. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 126 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 10 – Financials, Part 1

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Few elements of the pitch process are more intimidating to new entrepreneurs than presenting their financials. It’s where the hard numbers finally come out, and where investors tend to have the most probing questions to ask. The better prepared you are when you present your financials, the more likely your audience is to take you and your business seriously.

In this episode (part one of two), host and business coach Tom Ryan discusses the must-have features for a strong financials presentation. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 125 – The Business Power Pitch Deconstructed: Part 9 – Management Team

SIBP-Blog-NEW-B-2Why is your team the right one to invest in? Sure, you may have found a great market niche, and come up with a solid product or service to fill that need. But does your company’s specific collection of founders, advisors and key employees really have what it takes to create a successful business to address that gap in the market? How can you demonstrate that your team is up to the task?

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains what investors like to see in a great management team, and some of the red flags they look for in bad ones. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading