Ep. 063 – Interview with HalfSizeMe.com’s Joel Robertson, Part 1

SIB-Blog-4When Heather Robertson decided to take control of her weight, her husband Joel was more than just supportive. Together, the two of them built a successful podcast, an online weight-loss support community and a growing business, HalfSizeMe.com. Joel takes his startup work seriously, and he was also one of the first listeners to submit a question to Success In Business Podcast.

Over the next few episodes, host Tom Ryan and co-host Jason Pyles talk to Joel about the challenges HalfSizeMe.com has faced, and the lessons learned as the business has taken shape. Continue reading

Ep. 062 – Determining Your Highest and Best Use

SIB-Blog-3As entrepreneurs, we wear a lot of hats. We create business ideas, raise money, create product plans and develop marketing strategies. Particularly in the early stages of the business, we even take on all the tasks that simply have to be done, from keeping the books to taking out the trash. But is doing everything yourself always a good idea?

In this “on the road” solo episode, host Tom Ryan explores the real estate concept of “best use” as it applies to entrepreneurs. Continue reading

From Entrepreneur to Business Coach and Podcaster

IMG_2329A few years ago, I came to a really important crossroads in my life. I had successfully launched a new company, and it was growing rapidly. Things were going really well by all accounts. But at the same time, I was terribly unsettled, and I didn’t know why.

I don’t do well with being unsettled. Something was nagging at me, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. So I did some really serious soul-searching, and I came to a realization that surprised me. Just having a successful business wasn’t enough. If I wanted to be truly fulfilled, I had to help others realize their own success. Continue reading

Ep. 061 – Must-Have Entrepreneur Qualities and Strengths

SIB-Blog-2What are the qualities that make for a great entrepreneur? In this “on the road” episode, host Tom Ryan explore this fantastic listener-submitted question. To give the question more grounding, Tom explores this topic as a kind of “Entrepreneur Job Description.”

Learn the “must have” qualities every business creator needs to possess, as well as the “should have” traits and “big plusses” that help define great entrepreneurs. Continue reading

Sales As A Core Business Competency, Part 5: Sales Staff

SIBP-2Let’s say you’re really far along in creating your business model. You understand exactly what your customers’ needs are, and you’ve crafted an outstanding value proposition for them. After a long decision-making process, you’ve decided that the best course of action for your business is to dive in with both feet and sell to your customers directly.

You’ve also decided that you’re not going to sell through your website, or rely on something passive like a kickstarter campaign. You’re actually going to hire people.

Hiring a sales staff is a big step. It’s time to ask yourself a big question: “How much will I have to pay in order to set someone else to sell for me?” Continue reading

Ep. 060 – Interview with N.C. Securities Division Specialist Leo John, Part 2

SIB-Blog-6Building your company is more than a matter of developing products and finding customers, it’s also a matter of creating a strong and stable legal entity. Simply having the wrong legal structure can be a major red flag for investors. Understanding taxes, intrastate funding, and other state-level issues can easily cause a fledgling entrepreneur’s head to spin.

In this episode, host Tom Ryan continues his interview Leo John, a Legal Specialist for the Securities Division of the N.C. Secretary of State. Leo provides a wealth of insight into a wide variety of topics, from intrastate crowdfunding investment to solid advice for forming a legally sturdy business. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 059 – Interview with N.C. Securities Division Specialist Leo John, Part 1

SIB-Blog-4One of the most important things for any fledgling entrepreneur to understand is how to build a positive relationship with the state business agencies. Knowing the rules and regulations will prevent countless future headaches, from legal costs to licenses. For a company seeking investment and outside funding, knowing the rules can prevent outright catastrophe.

In this episode, host Tom Ryan interviews Leo John, a Legal Specialist for the Securities Division of the N.C. Secretary of State. Leo provides a wealth of insight, from the value of retaining a securities attorney early in the process to the future of investment crowdfunding in North Carolina. As always, Tom is joined by co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Sales As A Core Business Competency, Part 4: Economics

SIBP-1What exactly does it mean to professionalize your sales process? It means making your sales activities a core function of your business. If you do it correctly, your business will be much more profitable, and you will make a lot more money.

In the earlier posts, I’ve explained the foundation of a professionalized sales structure: customers, value propositions and channels. Now it’s time to construct the larger framework that foundation supports. That means talking about costs and profits. In other words, we’re talking about the economics of your business. Continue reading

Ep. 058 – Elementary Startup Planning For New Entrepreneurs

SIB-Blog-3What are the fundamental steps for creating a viable business? What groundwork needs to be laid before any entrepreneur can take their business plan to investors? In this episode, host Tom Ryan strips the business-creation process down to the most basic levels to reveal the core elements of a viable startup.

Tom is on the road this week, requiring a slight change of format from two-person discussion to solo show format. As a result, he’ll be taking on a variety of listener questions. Continue reading

Ep. 057 – Do You Really Need a Business Plan?

SIB-Blog-2Are long-form business plans really necessary for every startup? Are they even all that useful? Are there better alternatives? This week, host Tom Ryan takes on this controversial topic, explaining his skeptical view of traditional business plans and offering some other options for fledgling entrepreneurs.

Tom is on the road this week, requiring a slight change of format from two-person discussion to solo show format. As a result, he’ll be taking on a variety of listener questions. Continue reading