Demystifying The Sales Process: From First Appointment to Close

SIBP-1It goes without saying that your first meeting (or appointment) with a prospect is important. This isn’t just some lead you’ve cold called. This is someone who has made it through that all-important first step in the sales motion, and who has at least a fair chance of becoming a client or paying customer.

During the course of that first conversation, you’ve concluded that they could be a great fit for your product or service. Not only does it seem that they have a bona fide need for what you’re offering, but you believe they also have the ability to buy. They’re a truly qualified prospect. Now it’s time to meet with them to confirm your suspicions. Continue reading

Ep. 075 – An Interview with Brian Walker, Part 5: Creating Work/Life Balance

Brian Walker

Brian Walker

One of the biggest challenges faced by any business owner, and by startup founders in particular, is creating a balance between your working life and your personal one. According to AE Marketing Group founder Brian Walker, “The work/life balance is probably the hardest aspect of owning a business.”

In this final segment of the interview with Brian, host Tom Ryan and co-host Jason Pyles discuss the many personal stresses and challenges of running your own business, from knowing when to check email to finding the right balance of traits in new employees. Continue reading

Ep. 074 – An Interview with Brian Walker, Part 4: Brand Narrative and Messaging

SIB-Blog-2Brand perception is a huge factor in a startup’s long-term success, and getting that brand narrative right isn’t something you want to rush. As AE Marketing Group founder Brian Walker recalls, his company didn’t even have a website for most of their first year of business, opting instead to build the fundamentals of their business over their online messaging.

But does that mean that your online branding isn’t important? Hardly! In part four of this five-part interview, host Tom Ryan and co-host Jason Pyles talk with Brian about seeking out customer feedback, knowing when to “fire” a customer, the importance of your brand’s online reputation, and much more. Continue reading

Demystifying The Sales Process: The Sales Pipeline

IMG_2329In my previous post, I sketched in the basic steps that make up the sales process. Turning those steps into a repeatable process that can scale with your business needs isn’t as complicated as you might think. It’s a linear, straightforward system, often fittingly called a sales pipeline.

Much like the sales process itself, a sales pipeline is best looked at as a series of individual stages, each with a specific purpose. You can also think of it as a series of filters, each of which is designed to ensure that only the best-fitting prospects make it to the next stage. To accomplish this, each stage is defined by a series of rules and criteria. These rules define what a legitimate sales opportunity looks like. Continue reading

Ep. 073 – An Interview with Brian Walker, Part 3: C-Suite Relationships and the Trouble with Hype

SIB-Blog-1As the founder of the Chicago-based AE Marketing Group founder, Brian Walker, knows a thing or two about building a sustainable brand. Surprisingly, hype-generating advertising and marketing isn’t always the best answer. In fact, Brian claims it can be a distraction from the important business of building the brand narrative.

In part three of this five-part interview, host Tom Ryan and co-host Jason Pyles talk with Brian about building C-Suite relationships, big mistakes young brands make, the problem with the MVP approach, and much more. Continue reading

Ep. 072 – An Interview with Brian Walker, Part 2: The Value of A Sales & Marketing Background

Brian Walker

Brian Walker

How valuable is a sales and marketing background for entrepreneurs? For AE Marketing Group founder Brian Walker, it can mean the difference between a slow burning startup and one that hits the ground running.

In part two of this five-part interview, host Tom Ryan and co-host Jason Pyles talk with Brian about sales as a tool for business development, branding as a core business value, and much more. Continue reading

Demystifying The Sales Process: Core Concepts

SIBP-3Every company, large and small, needs to understand the sales business. Sales can be intimidating, and it’s no surprise that it’s often given the lowest priority when a business is just starting out. From my perspective, however, sales is also an absolute must-have skill for every entrepreneur.

Too many folks miss the opportunity to apply the same level of professionalism and structure to sales that they do to the other functional areas of their business. It should be at least as important to your business as areas like HR, finance and accounting, product development or production. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the lack of a strong sales structure can be a huge roadblock when it comes to things like attracting investors. Continue reading

Ep. 071 – An Interview with Brian Walker, Part 1: “Whitewater Growth” and Startup Priorities

Brian Walker

Brian Walker

After spending over a decade working at marketing and advertising agencies, Brian Walker had an epiphany. “Everyone is expendable.” In that moment, Brian decided that making others wealthy without even the promise of security wasn’t a sustainable life. In the middle of one of the worst economic climates in modern history, Brian struck out on his own, launching his own marketing firm from a walk-in closet turned office.

He’s done pretty well for himself. As the founder of the Chicago-based AE Marketing Group, Brian has overseen 18 straight quarters of profitability, and 200% growth. He’s also a Graduate of Goldman Sachs Small Business 10K Program. In this episode, host Tom Ryan and co-host Jason Pyles talk with Brian about his background, his company, and his mission. Continue reading

If You’re In Business, You Need To Understand The Business Of Sales

IMG_2329In my work as a business coach and mentor to early stage companies, I get to meet and work with a ton of great folks. Their businesses couldn’t be more different from one another, from the kinds of products and services they offer to the sizes of their staff and their target markets. There’s a huge amount of diversity in my work, but there’s also some common threads.

One of those common threads are the mistakes. This incredible collection of entrepreneurs, owners and executives I serve all seem to have the same blind spots when it comes to the business of sales. What is that blind spot? They don’t give their sales the same level of attention and focus that they give other areas of their businesses. Continue reading

Ep. 070 – The Four Ps of Sales

FourPs-ImageFollowing on the heels of the earlier “4 Ps of Marketing” episode, this week host Tom Ryan explores his newly minted “4 Ps of Sales” concept. Unfortunately, he’s not entirely sure that this content is the most engaging, particularly for a Friday.

Thankfully, he’s joined by co-host Jason Pyles, who is always ready to bewilder Tom with an off-handed reference to a semi-obscure ’70s sci-fi cult film. Continue reading