Ep. 184 – Seed Funding: Angel Investment Criteria, Part 1

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Angel investors generally have a focus. Sometimes their focus is on a geographical area or customer demographic, other times it’s on a market niche or specific industry. Some groups even go as far as distinguishing between true startups and other early stage companies. Because these groups don’t want to waste time talking to founders whose businesses don’t fit within the scope of their interests, they almost always make this information easy to find. This means the first step for finding angel investment money is often finding the right angel group to talk to.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about investor criteria using a group that’s close to home, local angel investment group Asheville Angels. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 183 – Seed Funding 101: Equity Valuation Example

SIBP-Blog-NEW-1For angel investors and small venture capital firms, investing is about hitting a very specific target. They want to invest a carefully weighed amount in a startup that has the potential for very high growth. They also want to know that when it’s time for them to take their money back out of the business, there will be plenty of interested buyers. If your startup doesn’t fit within that strike zone, odds are that these kinds of investors will politely pass on the opportunity to fund you.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about the angel investor’s checklist, and the priorities from their side of the table. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 179 – Seed Funding 101: Equity Basics

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Equity-based finance is the most common instrument used in seed-stage funding. It’s also one of the trickiest kinds of funding, because equity is all about ownership. Selling equity may be a relatively easy way raise some much-needed funds, but it comes at a cost. When someone buys a piece of your company, they also gain a legally enforceable right to have a say in the direction of the business. A great business can suffer, or even fail, due to a bad equity partnership.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan further explores the topic of seed funding, focusing on the major considerations for equity-based fundraising. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading