Ep. 024 – Top 10 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Business Part 8: Identifying Your Prospective Customers

Today’s episode is a continuation of the series, “Top 10 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Business,” which was initiated by one of the show’s listeners, Kathy. She is making the shift from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, and is in the process of starting her first business; she asks, “What do you suggest that I consider and avoid before taking the leap of faith?” Tom discusses the eighth thing to remember before starting your business, knowing your customers.

Key Takeaways
A big part of telling your story includes knowing who your audience is, and today’s episode delves deeper getting to know your customers. Tom offers five tips to accomplish this in your own business.

Tip 1: Ask them

The first thing you must do is get out there and seek immediate and direct feedback from your audience or prospective audience. There’s no better way to figure out what someone is thinking than to go out and ask them. In order to do this, use whatever means you have to connect and test out your assumptions. Different ways include Continue reading