The Profitable Mindset, Part 2: Bootstrap For As Long As Possible

SIBP-Blog-NEW-B-3“Bootstrapping” is a term that gets tossed around a lot in startup and investment circles. The idea of “pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps” is familiar to most people as a metaphor for creating your own success, but what does it actually mean in a business context? Exactly what you would expect, actually.

When a company starts out with very little financial capital or other resources, it has to get creative to stay in the game. That means pinching pennies, taking a conservative attitude towards any additional expense, finding other kinds of resources to use without spending a bunch of money. That’s the bootstrap mindset. Continue reading

Ep. 021 – Top 10 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Business Part 6: How to Have a Profitable Mindset

Today’s episode is a continuation of the series, “Top 10 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Business,” which was initiated by one of the show’s listeners, Kathy. She is making the shift from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, and is in the works of starting her first business; she asks, “What do you suggest that I consider and avoid before taking the leap of faith?” Tom discusses the sixth thing to remember before starting your business.

Key Takeaways
Tom provides 5 tips on how to start your business with a mindset of profitability on today’s episode. Constructing and stress testing your company will determine a solid idea of how your business is going to be profitable in the long run.

Tip 1: Don’t be like everyone else

When many people start a business, they are excited about the concept and the notion of taking the plunge, but most fail to Continue reading