Ep. 175 – Selling Through Storytelling, Part 5

SIBP-Blog-NEW-3Applying storytelling techniques to your sales process means taking your prospects on their own version of the Hero’s Journey. You can think of it as the prospect’s individual story arc, allowing them to see how your products or services can help them overcome the challenges they need to be successful within the context of their own tale. To be effective, you not only need to cast the prospect as the central character of the tale, you also need to get them to see your product as the solution they’ve been looking for.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about turning your company’s “unfair advantage” into a powerful sales tool through storytelling. Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 174 – Selling Through Storytelling, Part 4

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2One of the most powerful aspects to using storytelling as a sales tool is how dramatically it can change prospect reaction during your initial consultations. Not only can it help you disqualify prospects more easily, but it can even help you nail down an agreement in principle about their need for your product or service. With the right kind of storytelling techniques, you can supercharge your sales results.

In part four of this ongoing series, host and business coach Tom Ryan revisits the core concepts of sales-focused storytelling, and explores the right way to gauge prospect reaction. Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 169 – Selling Through Storytelling, Part 3

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Every customer has a problem that needs solving. The better you understand that problem, the more likely it is that they will decide to spend their money on your solution. There’s no better way of demonstrating how well you understand their struggles, pains and frustrations than by telling them a story about another prospect with a similar problem, and how your products or services were able to make that problem disappear.

In this episode of the Success In Business Podcast, host Tom Ryan explains how the right kind storytelling can do more than simply open doors during the sales process. It can build trust, set expectations, and even help with the tricky business of qualifying prospects. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 168 – Selling Through Storytelling Part 2

SIBP-Blog-NEW-4Once they’re through with the pleasantries and the basic questions that make up the start of an initial sales call, most sales reps make a huge mistake. Instead of telling a story compelling story about another client in the similar position, they dive right into talking about their company’s product or service. Instead of feeling like a conversation between two people, it starts to feel like a sales pitch.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan continues his exploration of storytelling as a sales technique. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 167 – Selling Through Storytelling Part 1

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Your first conversation with a prospective client or customer can be a balancing act. During that initial discussion, you’re doing more than just gathering some basic details. You’re qualifying them, gauging how serious their interest is, and trying to determine how well their needs align with your products or services. At the same time, it’s absolutely vital to keep their attention.

There’s no better way to do that than to tell them a good story. As it turns out, you had another client in a very similar situation, and they came to you for help …

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan begins his series on changing your sales results through effective storytelling techniques. As always, Tom is joined by producer and co-host Jason Pyles. Continue reading