Ep. 187 – Seed Funding: Angel Investment Criteria, Part 4

SIBP-Blog-NEW-5Startups have a limited shelf life. From the inception of the idea to the moment it becomes irrelevant, there’s a countdown. For seed-stage investors, this means that any startup worth investing in needs to have a solid plan in place to completely exploit their market advantages, and be willing to do whatever it takes to grow as fast as possible before competitors can find a foothold.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks explains why companies with high growth potential take priority for most investors, and why it’s absolutely vital for startups to lock down their advantages. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 186 – Seed Funding: Angel Investment Criteria, Part 3

SIBP-Blog-NEW-4When you’re pitching your startup to investors, the last thing they want to see is a “solopreneur.” Great companies aren’t built by lone-wolf idea people, they’re built by teams. The more robust and experienced your team, the better the chance that a strategic investment will result in a thriving business and a great return.

In today’s episode of the Success In Business podcast, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about building the kind of startup team that investors want to see. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 185 – Seed Funding: Angel Investment Criteria, Part 2

SIBP-Blog-NEW-3Most angel investors aren’t looking to wade hip-deep into the projects they support. It’s not the best use of their time, and it’s a needless distraction from the business of investment. What a professional investor is looking for is a founder with that perfect mixture of enthusiasm and experience, and a motivated team behind them that can turn a great idea into a great business.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about what it means to have a great team, and why great founders often matter more than great business ideas. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 184 – Seed Funding: Angel Investment Criteria, Part 1

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Angel investors generally have a focus. Sometimes their focus is on a geographical area or customer demographic, other times it’s on a market niche or specific industry. Some groups even go as far as distinguishing between true startups and other early stage companies. Because these groups don’t want to waste time talking to founders whose businesses don’t fit within the scope of their interests, they almost always make this information easy to find. This means the first step for finding angel investment money is often finding the right angel group to talk to.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about investor criteria using a group that’s close to home, local angel investment group Asheville Angels. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 183 – Seed Funding 101: Equity Valuation Example

SIBP-Blog-NEW-1For angel investors and small venture capital firms, investing is about hitting a very specific target. They want to invest a carefully weighed amount in a startup that has the potential for very high growth. They also want to know that when it’s time for them to take their money back out of the business, there will be plenty of interested buyers. If your startup doesn’t fit within that strike zone, odds are that these kinds of investors will politely pass on the opportunity to fund you.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan talks about the angel investor’s checklist, and the priorities from their side of the table. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 182 – Seed Funding 101: How Equity Valuations Work, Part 3

SIBP-Blog-NEW-5If you have an early-stage company that is looking for seed funding, you’re going to be talking to a lot of investors. Understand what those venture capital firms and angel investors need to see from you, and your odds of reaching a funding deal increase dramatically. Fail to find that alignment, and getting the financial backing you’re looking for will be virtually impossible. Thankfully, you always have at least one thing in common: Money.

In this episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan continues his explanation of the valuation process, shining a light on it from the investor’s point of view. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 181 – Seed Funding 101: How Equity Valuations Work Part 2

SIBP-Blog-NEW-4If there’s one thing both keen-eyed investors and funding-hungry startups have in common, it’s their interest in making money. It’s this common interest that allows a company that is little more than an idea to find the seed capital needed to become a real-world business. But how does this process of discovering the value of a yet-to-exist business actually work?

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains the alignment of interests between people with money and the entrepreneurs who need cash. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 180 – Seed Funding 101: How Equity Valuations Work Part 1

SIBP-Blog-NEW-3When you’re talking about equity-based funding, valuations are where the rubber meets the road. In order to buy a piece of a business, you first have to establish an overall value for that business. That can be tricky, because equity-based valuations aren’t always as scientific as you might expect. How can a business that has not yet done much of anything have a measurable value?

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan explains the basic concepts behind equity valuations. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 179 – Seed Funding 101: Equity Basics

SIBP-Blog-NEW-2Equity-based finance is the most common instrument used in seed-stage funding. It’s also one of the trickiest kinds of funding, because equity is all about ownership. Selling equity may be a relatively easy way raise some much-needed funds, but it comes at a cost. When someone buys a piece of your company, they also gain a legally enforceable right to have a say in the direction of the business. A great business can suffer, or even fail, due to a bad equity partnership.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan further explores the topic of seed funding, focusing on the major considerations for equity-based fundraising. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading

Ep. 177 – Seed Funding 101: Overview

SIBP-Blog-NEW-5When you work with a wide variety of startups and early stage companies, it’s not the differences in business models or industries that stand out most. What stands out most are the similarities. As they grow, every business goes through roughly the same stages of development. No place is this phenomenon more evident than when it comes to fundraising.

In today’s episode, host and business coach Tom Ryan launches a new series discussing the fundamentals of fundraising. As always, Tom is joined by co-host and producer Jason Pyles. Continue reading